San Diego, California
Case Studies
- "Foreign Country" Indian Reservation Lease Funded.
ILC arranged 3 separate leases for different organizations on an Indian reservation, which not only is a foreign nation but offered no personal guarantees, little collateral value but also had a relatively short but successful income from gambling operations and was turned down by other leasing companies. $50,000.00
- Our Extra Hard Work Made the Difference
ILC funded over 5 leases with a local fast growing pharmaceutical supplier who was turned down due to corporate financial statements, our deeper analysis revealed high depreciation and officer salary deductions which enabled many vendors to make their sales on over $100,000.00 of equipment.
- Our Many Lenders Gave a Good Man A Second Chance
A local manufacturing firm was denied credit due to a personal bankruptcy many years prior to the success of his company. Our access to over 15 major funding sources enabled us to not only fund his $25,000.00 lease but also to provide a $25,000.00 line of credit later after he successfully paid on the first lease we wrote.
- New Business Financing When Others Could Not
A local 20 year practicing lawyer recently left the four way law office partnership he was a principle in and even though his new business entity was brand new, we successfully arranged an $80,000.00 + in lease financing without the need for additional collateral or certificates of deposit.
- Our Knowledge Provided Sale Leaseback Capital.
We arranged a sale-leaseback on a 20-year-old foil-stamping machine to put working capital back into service at a local printing & foil stamping company that almost no other leasing company would do.
- No Personal Guaranty on Local R & D Company With Losses.
We recently funded a $35,000.00 phone system lease for a local 8 year old firm that has never shown a profit, would not personally guaranty the lease, and wanted long 60 month terms without additional collateral. The major national equipment supplier’s leasing companies turned this application down.