San Diego, California
Trade Association Discount Program
(Call us about discounts for the following professional trade associations and any others):
- American Academy of Medical Administrators
- American Ambulance Association
- American Association of Community Colleges
- American Association of Respiratory Care
- American Dental Association
- American Medical Association
- American Trucking Association (and all other state and national commercial vehicle associations)
- ASAE & The Center For Association Leadership
- American Medical Association
- American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
- American Veterinary Medical Association (and all state associations)
- AYP Annual Conference
- California Dental Association (and all other state dental associations)
- California Medical Association (and all other state medical associations)
- Central Association of College and University Business Officers
- Eastern Association of College and University Business Officers
- Emergency associations-all
- Firemans associations-all
- National Association of Broadcasters
- National Association of Chain Drug Stores
- National Association of College and University Business Officers
- National Association of College Stores
- National Association of Educational Procurement
- National Association of Manufacturers
- National Association of Purchasing Management
- National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors
- National Community Pharmacists Association
- National Medical Association
- Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International
- Southern Association of College and University Business Officers
- Western Association of College and University Business Officers
- YMCA, General Assembly of